Mask Decision Highlights Deep Divergence in Attitudes


Wearing a mask during the pandemic has long been a divisive issue in the United States. And now a federal judge removes mask mandate Rules for airplanes and public transport have plunged into chaos in some places. Many have been removed and a few have been reworked.

But while the changes have caused some confusion, Americans’ stances on restrictions have swayed little in recent months and are, in fact, still fierce. Some, who are already in the habit of wearing masks in public and who are seeing a resurgence of Covid-19 cases in parts of the country, are angry that they have lost the protection they trusted. Others rejoice at the release of the annoying bands behind their ears.

Patrick McDonnell, a 30-year-old architect from Brooklyn, described his feelings as “ecstatic” and said, “Enough is enough.” Mr McDonnell said he found wearing masks “irritating” and “disturbing” and stopped wearing masks on the New York subway, although face coverings are still required on public transport in the city.

“Adults should be able to make their own decisions about the risks they are willing to take,” said Mr McDonnell. As for masking for older or other riders in poor health, he said that now vaccines and treatments for Covid-19 are available and he no longer needs to change his behavior to adapt to others.

“I want to go back to living my life,” she said. “Do I have to take everyone around me into account when making a decision?”

Mr. McDonnell was one of the thousands who responded to the New York Times. to call He asked readers what they thought of the court’s ruling that lifted the mandate, whether they would continue to wear masks on planes, buses and trains, and whether they were reconsidering their travel plans. The respondents do not represent the US population.

Opinion polls before the court decision found mixed opinions. Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of 1,243 adults in March It reported that eight out of 10 adults said they had recently worn masks indoors, but only six out of 10 asked to wear masks in some public places to continue minimizing the spread of Covid and prevent another surge. But the survey also revealed that respondents were equally divided on whether to extend the mask requirement for public transport or allow it to expire. People of color, such as Democrats, low-income individuals, and those with chronic health conditions were more likely to support masking policies.

Another Survey of 1,085 adults in mid-April by the Associated Press and the NORC Public Relations Research Center It found that 56 percent of the respondents supported the mask requirement in public transport, about a quarter opposed it, and one in five had no idea.

This US government appeals decision That said, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not have the authority to impose masks on transportation that will expire in early May.

Since Monday’s decision, some cities have decided to keep mask requirements for public transport in place, even though the rules don’t seem to apply much. Most states or cities that have implemented some form of mask restriction for indoor gatherings have removed them some time ago. And some Southern and Western states have outlawed masking rules of any kind, so public transport – via airlines, trains, subways or buses – remains one of the last stops beyond hospitals and healthcare facilities.

The UK lowered coronavirus travel restrictions last month even as cases rose, and British Airways and Virgin Atlantic airlines have made wearing masks optional unless destination requires a mask. Now other airlines are following the case, Making masks optional on flights to the United States.

Responses to The Times’ question often depended on personal circumstances: Elderly individuals, parents of young children, and people whose family members were in poor health were particularly upset by the removal of their mandate, saying it would prevent them from seeing loved ones after death. left for two years. Young adults, including many young men who boasted about their health, expressed their enthusiasm for the end of his term, saying it would help bring life back to normal. Others said that the removal of the rules was inevitable.

Resistance to masks was increasing over time, even in tight spaces such as airplanes, and as Omicron sub-variants began to increase around the country a month or so ago. While hospitalizations and deaths didn’t increase in a row – these indicators had only started to rise a few weeks after cases had previously spiked – the increase has some readers responding to The Times worried. They described the judge’s decision as “premature”, “political”, “unwise and irresponsible”, or even “irrational”.

“We’re not out of the woods yet,” wrote several in the warning. Parents of young children have expressed particular concern given that those under 5 are still not eligible for a vaccine and may not be available before summer.

Ashley Eckstat, 35, a mother of three from Greensboro, NC, said she hopes the mission will continue until Covid shots are allowed for the youngest children.

“I just want to shout out: The promise of a return to normal was tied to vaccines and we still have many vulnerable children,” Ms Eckstat said. “We are only as protected as our least protected family member.”

Others who boarded the plane or made travel plans with the understanding that masks were obligatory said they were enraged when the rules changed in the middle of the flight. John Barcelo, 81, a retired law professor, had flown with his wife to California to visit their son and family, and had very deliberately booked a return flight on a date when the mask requirement should still be in effect – Monday, April 18.

But when flying from the Dallas-Fort Worth airport to their home in New Orleans, the mandate was reduced and American Airlines announced that it no longer requires masks. Some passengers cheered, but Mr. Barcelo and his wife felt trapped and vulnerable.

“All these people took off their masks, without thinking of anyone, thinking only of themselves,” he recalled. “What’s so troublesome about wearing a mask for Pete’s sake?”

American Airlines did not respond to questions about the rule change.

But many travelers said masks were a scourge and that it was “time to move on.” They questioned the effectiveness of the masks. They said that now that vaccines are available and some treatments have been developed for Covid, the virus does not pose a big risk and there are other risks in life.

“There are risks to driving and walking on the street,” said Kelly Johnson, a 62-year-old education consultant who travels by plane for business from southeast Virginia. She said she would abide by all existing masking rules, but at this point, she said, “The risks with Covid are low enough that people should have the choice of whether or not to wear masks.”

Chris Stapleton, 40, of Miami, whose doctor told him he had “the health of an 18-year-old,” said most people don’t wear high-quality masks and don’t wear them properly anyway, and people with the conditions don’t wear them. as cancer continues to wear masks to protect themselves.

Peter Ciopryna has a wife who was recently diagnosed with lupus and is taking immunosuppressants. Mr. Ciopryna, a 62-year-old truck driver from Branford, Conn., said: “Nobody cares about the immunocompromised. He lives in constant fear.”

A sense of sadness and disappointment permeated many reactions, as Americans lamented the fact that the nation was deeply polarized and ideologically divided, and that no consensus for the greater good could be reached.

Rev. Rev., 74, an Episcopal priest in Garrett County, Md. “There’s no real sense of community responsibility in this country anymore,” Chip Lee said. do it with my body.’ But we don’t all live in our own cocoons.”

Still, some people who lost their loved ones from Covid were ready to take off their masks.

Jackie Wammock, 60, of SC Aiken, lost her mother to the virus last year, but she has also contracted Covid and recovered. “My fear of the disease is not that high,” he said, adding that he would not wear a mask unless there were symptoms suggestive of the disease. In this case, he said, “There is a responsibility to others.”

Some citizens said that they would put on their masks and continue on their way. Others said they would cancel their plans to attend graduations and other family events. Mr. Barcelo was one of the few people who said they would have driven instead of flying this summer if they could. Emerald North, a 71-year-old painter and sculptor from Lake Cochiti, NM, said he would be willing to travel long distances of up to 1,000 miles to avoid flying.

Some who could afford to do so said they would upgrade to first class or business class to ensure better social distancing on planes and trains.

Others change their plans. A physician working for a nonprofit in New York City, Dr. Ellen Tabor has given up on travel plans to Italy to minimize her exposure. He’ll be vacationing in Columbia County, NY instead.

Dr. “Masks are a small burden,” Tabor said. “The virus is a big virus.”


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