In states with liberal laws like New York and California, a person can have a medical abortion at a reproductive clinic, and in most of these states it’s also possible to do everything remotely through telemedicine counseling.
In states that have tried to restrict abortion, clinics have become harder to find, and some have also banned telemedicine abortion. if Roe overthrown, in some of these states, doctors will commit crimes if they prescribe pills.
But it is still possible to get them. One way is to set up a mailing address in a state where telemedicine abortion is legal. Another option is Aid Access, which has doctors overseas who will prescribe the pills and mail them from a pharmacy in India. Because Aid Access has doctors who do not work in the US, they are not subject to state law (unless they travel to those states). Aid Access says it’s still telemedicine abortion and shipping pills to all 50 states thanks to this workaround.
A person can also order the pill without a prescription directly from a non-US pharmacy and then self-administer the abortion.
an organization called Plan C It has a search engine that will suggest the easiest way to buy abortion pills based on what state a person lives in. It maintains a list of overseas pharmacies that it considers legitimate and delivers the pills starting at $250. This route requires a credit card or other way to pay electronically.
Is it sketchy to order abortion pills from India?
Yes. Pharmacy websites often look pretty dodgy, and importing pills from outside the country is generally illegal, according to the US FDA. However, the agency has a policy from looking the other way when drugs are for personal use.
Currently, there doesn’t seem to be much legal risk from individuals ordering pills online, but that could change in the future if states try to criminalize possession of pills.
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