Decarbonizing industries with connectivity and 5G


The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s sixth climate change report – a collective assessment of scientific research by nearly 300 scientists from 66 countries – served as the loudest and clearest wake-up call to date on the global warming crisis. The panel clearly attributes the rise in Earth’s temperature (which has increased by 1.1°C since the Industrial Revolution) to human activity. Without significant and abrupt reductions in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, temperatures will rise between 1.5 °C and 2 °C before the end of the century. The panel argues that this would put all humanity at risk of “going through thresholds, tipping points, where certain effects can no longer be avoided even if temperatures are then lowered again.”

Companies and industries must therefore redouble their efforts to reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions with speed and precision – but to do so, they must also commit to profound operational and organizational transformation. Cellular infrastructure, particularly 5G, is one of the many digital tools and technology-enabled processes that organizations have at their disposal to accelerate their decarbonisation efforts.

5G and other cellular technology can enable increasingly interconnected supply chains and networks, improve data sharing, optimize systems and increase operational efficiency. These capabilities could soon contribute to the exponential acceleration of global efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Industries such as energy, manufacturing, and transportation can have the biggest impact on decarbonization efforts through the use of 5G, as they are some of the largest greenhouse gas emitters and all rely on connectivity to be connected through the communications network. infrastructure.

Offering higher multi-gigabit peak data rates, ultra-low latency, increased reliability and increased network capacity, the higher performance and improved efficiency of 5G can help businesses and public infrastructure providers focus on business transformation and reducing harmful emissions. This requires efficient digital management and monitoring of distributed operations with flexible and analytical insight. 5G will help factories, logistics networks, energy companies and others operate more efficiently, more consciously and purposefully towards clear sustainability goals through better insight and stronger network configurations.

This report, titled “Decarbonizing industries with connectivity and 5G,” argues that broadband cellular connectivity is a unique, powerful and immediate enabler of carbon reduction efforts, the capabilities that broadband cellular connectivity fundamentally enables only through 5G network infrastructure. As increasingly interconnected supply chains, transport and energy networks share data to increase efficiency and productivity, thereby optimizing systems for lower carbon emissions, they have the potential to create a transformational acceleration in decarbonisation efforts.

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