Reception: The research was done last month and has yet to be published in a journal or peer-reviewed, but outside experts say it represents a major breakthrough. “There is no doubt that this is an extremely important breakthrough,” says Darren K Griffin, professor of genetics at the University of Kent in England. “The research team was cautious, using a brain-dead patient, attaching the kidney to the outside of the body and watching closely for only a limited time. So there is a long way to go and a lot to explore.” added.
“This is a huge breakthrough. Dr. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, professor of transplant surgery and not involved in the research. New York Times. However, he added, “We need more information about the lifespan of the organ.”
Background: In recent years, research has increasingly focused on pigs as the most promising way to help address organ shortages, but has faced a number of hurdles, most notably the fact that a sugar in pig cells can trigger an aggressive rejection response in humans.
The researchers solved this problem by genetically modifying the donor pig to disable the gene encoding the sugar molecule that causes the rejection response. Pig genetics tampered with refreshing, one of several biotech companies working to develop pig organs for transplanting into humans.
Grand prize: There is a serious need for more kidneys for transplantation. More than 100,000 people are currently waiting for a kidney transplant in the US, and 13 die every day. National Kidney Foundation. If the approach tested at NYU Langone can work much longer, genetically modified pigs could offer a crucial lifeline for these people.
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