But the UN report warns that planting enough crops to remove significant levels of carbon dioxide will require enormous amounts of land. This may conflict with efforts to produce food for the growing population and place additional pressures on animal and plant species. one study He noted that converting enough land to avoid 2˚C of warming could change the range of a larger proportion of European bird species than the 4˚C of warming caused by climate change.
Numerous groups including Trillion Tree InitiativeThey also highlighted the potential of planting trees as a tool to combat climate change. Various regions and organizations, land owners and businesses buy and sell carbon offsets as part of such efforts.
The report notes that planting trees in formerly forested areas offers multiple benefits. But he warns that planting trees where they don’t naturally grow can have negative environmental effects.
Trees growing in natural open grasslands can reduce water flow in streams and increase the intensity of fires. Grasses can even contribute to global warming, as they reflect more heat than forests. Similarly, draining peatlands to plant trees can release large amounts of greenhouse gases from these rich natural carbon sinks.
The authors note that these approaches will require careful consideration of local context and conditions to ensure they reliably eliminate greenhouse gases while minimizing downsides. The results also highlight the importance of pursuing a variety of approaches to decarbonisation, including emerging technological methods such as: direct air capture and its use various minerals.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the world will need to eliminate massive amounts of greenhouse gases in the coming decades – and this is we don’t know yet how to do it cost-effectively, effectively, or reliably, anywhere near the required scale.
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