Lara Cassidy, a geneticist at Trinity College Dublin who was not involved in the research, called the work “a triumph”. It takes a step back and evaluates Bronze Age Britain on a macro scale, plotting major human movements over the centuries with major cultural and linguistic consequences.”
Dr. Reich said the study demonstrates how archaeologists and ancient DNA researchers have made great strides over the past few years, coming together to address questions that interest archaeologists.
“In large part, this is due to the large ancient DNA sample sizes that it is now possible to produce economically,” he said. “These studies are also starting to address questions that are really important biologically and culturally.”
A pioneer in the rapidly evolving field of paleogenomics, Dr. Reich is a kind of puzzle master on the origin of man. By sequencing DNA from ancient skeletal remains and comparing it to the genetic material of individuals living today, he and his collaborators piece together ancient population patterns that traditional archaeological and paleontological methods cannot identify. They illuminate the hybrid nature of humanity, subverting established theories and conventional wisdom about migrations that followed the Ice Age.
Dr. For all the success of what Reich called the “genomic ancient DNA revolution” in transforming our understanding of modern humans, the practice of extracting DNA from ancient human remains has raised ethical issues ranging from access to specimens to ownership of cultural heritage. Critics point out that in some parts of the world the question of who should be considered Native has the potential to fuel nationalism and xenophobia.
To address these concerns, three months ago, Dr. Reich and 63 archaeologists, anthropologists, curators and geneticists from 31 countries prepared a series of drafts. global standards While the guidelines have done little to appease critics, processing genetic material, encouraging data sharing, and involving Indigenous communities appropriately.
Celtic pride
Dr. Reich said the languages ”typically spread through human movements”, the wave of immigration being a plausible vector for the spread of early Celtic dialects into Britain. “Everyone agrees that the Celtic language diverged from the ancient Indo-European mother tongue as it spread westward,” said Patrick Sims-Williams, professor emeritus of Celtic studies at Aberystwyth University. But they’ve been debating for years when and where this branching took place,” he said.
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