Elon Musk proposes Twitter changes, including accepting Dogecoin


As excitement‘s newest board member and largest shareholder, Elon Musk, is already making suggestions for the changes he wants to see on the social media platform.

In a series of tweets late Saturday, tesla and Space X The CEO said the company should include an “authentication checkmark” as a feature. excitement Blue premium subscription service that costs $2.99 ​​per month.

excitement when the account is verified as “real, notable, and active” it adds a checkmark logo next to the username.

Musk also suggested excitement for example, make the authentication checkmarks of premium subscriber accounts different from those given to official accounts of public figures.

Such a move, Musk said, would “vastly expand” the pool of verified user accounts and prevent the proliferation of spam “bot” accounts, making them very expensive to maintain.

Musk also shared his ideas on how to do it. excitement should charge for the subscription membership, saying that the fee “must be proportional in terms of availability and local currency” and “Maybe there’s even an option to pay at Doge?” Referring to the Dogecoin cryptocurrency.

“And no ads,” Musk tweeted. “The power of companies to dictate policy is greatly enhanced when: excitement It depends on advertising money to survive.”

about 90% excitementIts revenue in 2021 came from advertisements.

Musk’s latest tweets on the subject excitementIncluding running polls asking her 81 million followers if she excitement It’s “dying” and followed by a tweet earlier this week asking if the company’s San Francisco headquarters should be converted into a homeless shelter “because no one showed up anyway”, adding an edit button to the platform earlier this week.

Last week, excitement It was announced in a regulatory filing that he and Musk signed an agreement that gave the billionaire a seat on the company’s board and expires at the 2024 annual shareholders meeting. The move comes a day after Musk was announced to have a 9% stake in the company.

excitement He did not immediately respond to an email asking for comment on Sunday.

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