More than 60 endangered African penguins were recently found dead, all without multiple bee stings and no other external injuries, according to officials in a coastal city in South Africa where birds regularly migrate.
63 dead African penguins were found on Friday. Boulders Penguin Colony, in Simon’s Town, about 25 miles south of Cape Town, in the southwest of the country.
All penguins had multiple bee stings and “many dead bees were found where the birds died,” according to a statement from the South African National Parks. “This is why preliminary research suggests that penguins die because they were stung by a swarm of Cape honey bees.”
No external physical injury was observed in any of the deceased penguins, the statement said.
Penguins migrate to the area every year. Marine biologist at the South African National Parks, Dr. According to Alison Kock, bees found near dead birds are endemic to the area, “usually cohabiting with wildlife” and “do not sting unless provoked.”
“We’ve never had a problem like this before,” he said.
Dr. Kock said penguins snuggle around their eyes and on their flippers, areas that aren’t covered in feathers.
Dr. “The feathers on the penguin’s body are densely packed and it is unlikely that bee stings penetrated these feathers,” Kock said in an email. “On the other hand, the skin around the eyes and flippers is hairless, and stings can penetrate these areas.”
Park officials said tests are ongoing to determine if a toxin or disease was a factor in the penguins’ deaths. Dr. So far, authorities believe the bees’ nest has been disrupted, causing “a swarm of bees to flee, swarm, and become defensive and aggressive,” Kock said. “Unfortunately, the bees encountered a group of penguins on their flight path.”
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, African penguins are an endangered species with an adult population of only about 41,700 as of 2020. Red List of Threatened Species.
The birds mostly live in coastal areas of Namibia and South Africa and can reach 28 inches in height and 11 pounds in weight, according to the African Wildlife Foundation. Them disembark to breed, molt, and rest.
According to the foundation, two oil spills in 1994 and 2000 killed about 30,000 penguins.
Bird population increased decreasing because overfishing has reduced their food supply, according to Oceana, a conservation group.
But penguins are gaining wider recognition.
The summer migration of African penguins to Simon’s Town was recently featured in “Penguin Town,” a Netflix documentary narrated by actor Patton Oswalt.
“Some penguins can become emperors,” says Mr Oswalt. “In this place, they are gods.”
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