Ghost Wolves of Galveston Island


Lisette Waits, a conservation geneticist at the University of Idaho and co-author of the 2018 paper, said the discovery of hybrids in both Texas and Louisiana suggests that scientists and officials may want to “refocus” red wolf conservation efforts on these areas. on Louisiana hybrids.

In addition to studying hybrids, it may make sense to reintroduce captive-bred red wolves to areas where animals with red wolf genes still roam the landscape. Dr. “It could completely change the direction of the red wolf recovery program,” Waits said.

Dr. Brzeski, Dr. vonHoldt and their collaborators are studying hybrids in both Texas and Louisiana as part of the new study. Gulf Coast Dog Project.

They use GPS collars and wildlife cameras to learn more about canine movements and behavior, collect stool samples to analyze their diet, use genetic analysis to track herd inbreeding, and collect tissue samples from animals with the most red wolf ancestry. Dr. One goal, vonHoldt said, is to create “a set of biobank samples that can be used to help boost the genetic health of the captive red wolf population.”

They also hope to learn more about how these red wolf alleles persist in animals that live close to humans, particularly in a popular tourist destination. The island environment that kept the canids relatively isolated from a reproductive point of view is likely part of the explanation, but so is the “lack of cruelty”.

Indeed, Mr. Wooten is not the only local resident who takes care of animals. The research team works closely with Josh Henderson, animal services supervisor at the Galveston Police Department, and there is significant community support for dogs.

Steve Parker, a lawyer who grew up in the area, remembers hearing childhood stories about relatives trapping red wolves. Galveston dogs helped him connect with older generations, many of whom have passed away. “I want to see something and maybe be able to touch something special to them,” she said.


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