The Girl Scouts are returning to in-person cookie sales this season—but they’ll also be using DoorDash for online orders and selling a new cake-inspired treat.
Girl Scouts of the USA announced this week that they will be adding Adventurefuls, “cake-inspired cookies topped with caramel-flavored frosting and a dash of sea salt,” to their traditional cookie line when sales season kicks off next month.
Cookie booths will also be returning this year. Two years after online-only cookie sales, Scouts will reopen their cookie booths in areas permitted by COVID-19 health restrictions and use DoorDash for on-demand electronic ordering.
“In previous years, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Girl Scouts quickly and cleverly adapted their sales methods to replace their iconic in-person cookie booths with new, innovative options,” the Scouts said in a statement. “For the 2022 season, councils are monitoring local data and guidelines and are gearing up for a successful season of cookie sales, digital, in-person or both.”
The organization said over the past two years, “girl entrepreneurs” have hosted virtual cookie booths and drive-thru contactless cookie stands. They also studied order fulfillment to learn about the delivery process behind their meal delivery service.
“In 2021, Girl Scouts created new ways to succeed in the cookie business so that we can continue to use their cookie funds to power experiences like camp, union activities, and service projects in their community,” said Judith Batty, interim representative of the Scouts. CEO.
“You may see cookies, but we see leadership and adventure in every box,” he added.
Girl Scouts are switching to DoorDash for on-demand cookie orders after having success with GrubHub last year. From February 18, local girls will work with the company’s technology to track and fulfill orders as well as manage inventory.
“As a Girl Scout Cookie lover myself, I am very excited to welcome US Girl Scouts to our platform, providing customers with a quick and convenient option to access their beloved Girl Scout Cookies on demand and enable them to grow Girl Scouts in a meaningful way. cookie businesses,” said Shanna Prevé, DoorDash’s vice president of strategic partnerships and business development.
Alongside new Adventurers, Scouts will be offering the traditional Caramel Chocolate Chip, Caramel deLites/Samoa, Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich, S’mores, Peanut Butter Pie/Tagalong, and Thin Mint, among others.
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