With a single detector, you can get a two-dimensional image of a volcano’s internal organs “similar to a medical x-ray,” said David Mahon, a muography researcher at the University of Glasgow who was not involved in the study. “By using multiple detectors placed around the object, it is possible to create a rough 3D image.”
After using muography See inside a harmless Japanese mountain In 1995, the technique was finally deployed on active volcanoes. One of the first successful campaigns was the researchers’ Mount Asama in Japan. found a buried mound of lava It was sitting on top of an igneous gorge similar to Swiss cheese. It has since been used to see inside Italy, among others. etna and stromboli volcanoes, Japan’s hyperactive Sakurajima volcano and La Soufriere de Guadeloupe Volcano in the Caribbean.
Muons found weaknesses that pointed to future wing collapses, landslides, and lava escape routes. They also found fresh magma pockets it may be ready to explode and be overlooked by other instruments.
Volcanic muography isn’t perfect. Detectors can only see parts of the volcano that muons penetrate. “You can only watch from below to the sky,” said Marina Rosas-Carbajal, a volcano geophysicist at the Paris Institute for Earth Physics who was not involved in the study. Muons cannot penetrate the deeper parts of the volcano, leaving these areas largely outside the boundaries of muographs.
Placing detectors around dozens of volcanoes and exposing volcanic rocks to muons in laboratories would increase the sensitivity of the technique as it is suitable for mainstream use. But even if it becomes commonplace, it won’t solve all our volcanic woes.
Dr. “Volcanoes are super complex,” said Rosas-Carbajal. Their labyrinthine interior and complex chemistry mean that their magma will occasionally elude even the most knowledgeable of detectors. No matter how well scientists use the magic of muons, unpredictable explosions will remain a fact of life.
And muography is unlikely to override the various other instruments used. studying volcanoessuch as seismic waves and satellite observation. “It may not replace existing techniques,” said Vitaly Kudryavtsev, a particle physicist at the University of Sheffield who was not involved in the study. “But he can complete them.”
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