Latest National Climate Plans Still Fall Back, According to UN Report


The UN report found that if these targets are met, this could further drive down expected future emissions, even as the world deviates sharply from the Paris agreement targets. Environmentalists call out to China do much more to curb the coal appetite, the dirtiest of all fossil fuels.

The new report also warns that even these new climate promises are only as good as the policies that support them. This is still an important question mark.

For example, the European Union propose comprehensive new climate legislation Including stricter limits on industrial emissions, new targets for electric vehicles, and a border tax on carbon-intensive imports, to achieve the goal of reducing emissions 55 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. and many continue to compete with industry groups.

In the United States, the Biden administration is struggling to clarify exactly how it will meet its commitment, as major climate legislation has not been passed by Congress. A final analysis found that the country could achieve its goal with generous tax incentives for wind, solar and other clean energy, strict regulations to limit pollution from power plants and automobile tailpipes, and a set of climate laws enacted by states. However, none of these actions have yet been secured.

In addition, the report noted that most countries have largely squandered their chances of a “green recovery” following the coronavirus pandemic. While governments spent more than $16 trillion on stimulus measures last year, with less than a fifth of the recovery funds used to promote low carbon, they are largely focused on reviving the traditional fossil fuel-dependent parts of their economies as quickly as possible. alternatives. As a result, global emissions are expected to recover sharply this year after falling in 2020.

The new UN report also noted that more than 50 countries have now adopted official targets to achieve “net zero” emissions, a pledge to stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere by a certain date. The US has pledged to reach net zero by 2050. China has said it will aim to do so by 2060. This week, Saudi Arabia announced its net zero target.

In theory, these goals can have a powerful effect. The report estimates that the world could potentially limit global warming to around 2.2 degrees Celsius by 2100 if all countries follow suit.


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