Old-Fashioned, Inefficient Light Bulbs Live on the Nation’s Dollar


Phase two of the lighting efficiency rules was scheduled to go into effect in 2020, which would remove nearly all incandescent bulbs from store shelves, including next-generation halogens. But in 2017, the industry sued and struck a deal with the Trump administration that laid the way for the standards rollback. Trump administration in 2019 blocked a rule phased out obsolete incandescent bulbs, describing them as unnecessary and a barrier to consumer choice.

With this move, management has heeded both industry demands and free-market proponents who have long opposed stricter efficiency regulations for consumer appliances and goods, such as energy-saving light bulbs or energy-saving light bulbs. water saving dishwashers, as government overreach.

Former President Donald J. Trump said, “A new bulb costs a whole lot more, and I hate to say it, it doesn’t make you look that good.” Humorous at a White House meeting in 2019It refers to a common complaint that LEDs emit a harsher light, despite recent LED lights coming in warmer tones. “We’re bringing back the old light bulb,” he later said at a rally in Michigan.

The Biden administration took action to reinstate the standards. But a Letter to the Ministry of Energy Last year, industry group NEMA invoked federal rules to allow companies to manufacture and import inefficient light bulbs for at least another year, and then a year or more to sell stocked inventory. Signify went further, asking for more time to manufacture or import wasteful bulbs and then the ability to sell the bulbs for an as yet undetermined period.

“National laws make it very difficult to find alternative markets to sell newly restricted products,” the group wrote. “While manufacturers or retailers may try to find other markets for these products, most of the idle inventory will likely end up in landfills.”

Of course, even if the bulbs were used, they would probably end up in landfills. When questioned about this, industry group NEMA said any abrupt switch raises concerns of “wasteful mass destruction” of light bulbs.


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