These Americans Are Just Walking In Circles. It helps


“Imagine a post-Sandy, post-Katrina or post-Andrew world where rescue funds are hired to build resilient, sustainable modern roundabouts, instead of rebuilding fragile, polluting signalized intersections,” said traffic engineer Mr.

The United States has been slow to adopt modern roundabouts, although this has changed somewhat. At a count, there are currently about 7,900 nationwide, with hundreds being added each year. Yet the hesitation persists.

Mr McBride, who has led the construction of nearly 80 roundabouts as Carmel’s city engineer for 13 years, said that detour-curious city leaders often asked the public how they were going to win.

“You can spit out factual data, but at the end of the day most of the general population is afraid of new and different things,” said Mr McBride.

Roundabouts put decision-making in the hands of drivers, unlike most of the US highway system, which, Mr. McBride says, “does not quite rely on the driver to make a choice.”

“They’re used to being told what to do at every opportunity,” he said.

More than half of all serious accidents occur at intersections, according to the Federal Highway Administration, which has been pushing the construction of modern roundabouts for 20 years and funding them through programs for highway safety, congestion reduction, and air quality improvement.

While promoting roundabouts, Mr. Brainard visited Sarasota, Fla. in 2009, where he said he met a roomful of people. angry people. Among their fears, roundabouts were bad for pedestrians and would cause uneven wear on tires. But Mr. Brainard’s speech about Carmel’s experiences was frankly apt. Sarasota now has a dozen roundabouts, another is under construction, and five more are planned and won this year alone Innovative Merit Roundabout Award.


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