Finally a good reason to stay awake Sunday night: A total lunar eclipse.
Moon watchers in the United States can experience a celestial miracle as Earth’s shadow covers the moon during peak viewing hours on the night of May 15. Those on the East Coast can watch our natural satellite begin to turn an eerie copper-red color at around 11 am: 30 pm Eastern time, during one of the longest lunar eclipses in recent memory.
NASA’s Greenbelt, Md.
Where and when can I watch the lunar eclipse?
The eclipse will be visible across much of the world, including those in the Americas, most of Europe and Africa, and parts of the Pacific. Joseph Rao, assistant astronomer at the Hayden Planetarium in New York, estimates that about 2.7 billion people should be able to catch at least part of the eclipse.
Shortly after sunset, the left side of the moon should begin to appear dark. But the real event begins at around 22:28 ET, when the moon enters Earth’s central shadow, known as the umbra. At that time, it will start to look like something has bitten off from the moon.
When the moon is about three-quarters of the way to full shadow, it should begin to light up with a reddish hue, “like your electric range when the full coils start glowing,” said Mr. Rao.
At 23:29 the Moon will be in the deepest part of Earth’s shadow and the total eclipse will begin in earnest. The eclipse will peak at approximately 12:12, shortly after midnight, and will remain copper until 1 a.m.
Viewers further west will have the most stunning views of the red moon starting at 20:29 Pacific time, peaking just before 21:12 and ending with the total solar eclipse. 9:54 pm Mr. Rao said observers in Hawaii will see the moon rise as a reddish ball, while those in Europe and Africa will see the opposite effect by watching the moon fall below the horizon during a total eclipse.
The quirks of celestial mechanics mean that totality – when the moon is blood red and in deepest shade – lasts longer than average, roughly 1 hour and 25 minutes, giving skywatchers ample opportunity to enjoy the event. Mr. Rao said this was the longest total lunar eclipse visible for most of the United States since August 1989.
What do I need to watch the solar eclipse?
No fancy equipment is required to watch the otherworldly spectacle. If the weather is clear, look up and find the moon at night. Darker skies are better for capturing the intricacies of the moon’s color change, but even those in cities will have beautiful views of the eclipse.
Dr. “It happens at such a comfortable time that I suggest you try to observe it from beginning to end,” Guhathakurta said.
Binoculars or a backyard telescope will help bring out the red color, he added. Viewers with access to such instruments should be able to watch the shadow of the Earth passing over craters, valleys and mountains on the Moon and see that these features take on that red hue.
NASA’s Goddard headquarters contains maps and visualizations Dr. Guhathakurta explained both the Moon during the eclipse and where on Earth it can be observed.
How does the lunar eclipse work again?
Lunar eclipses occur when our planet comes between its two great celestial companions, the sun and moon. Moonglow is actually reflected sunlight, and so the lunar surface gradually darkens when the moon falls into Earth’s long shadow.
Mr. Rao said, “When the moon goes into the shadow of the Earth, it should darken and disappear.” “Instead, it changes that eerie copper or reddish color.”
This is because the Earth’s atmosphere magnifies sunlight at the edges of our planet. Everything but the longest and redest wavelengths is filtered out, and the combined glow of all the earth’s sunrises and sunsets is projected onto the otherwise gray moon.
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