‘We Are The Biggest Uncertainty’


I wanted to talk to Katharine Hayhoe about us.

We, as in “us” in his book “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Example of Hope and Healing in a Divided World.”

Hayhoe sets out a bold, highly quixotic goal from the very beginning. The preface reads: “In this book, I want to show you how to have real-life conversations that will help you reconnect with friends and family, build real relationships and communities instead of tribes and bubbles.”

Even more unlikely, he wants these conversations to be about climate change. In his introduction to the book, actor Don Cheadle thanks him for showing “how to invite allies under a big tent.”

One afternoon, during the free time between picking up her son and having dinner, we talked through our screens.

Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist by education. He is principal scientist at The Nature Conservancy and professor of political science at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. he started newsletter in April.

The following is an edited version of our talk.

Sengupta: Why did you say “Saving Us”?

Hayhoe: We are often told to save the planet, as if we and the planet could live independently. Whatever we do about climate change, the planet will be orbiting the sun long after we’re gone.

It’s really about saving us. We humans and many other creatures share the planet with us.

Sengupta: There is an endless debate between whether individual action matters or whether structural change alone is enough to address climate change. How do you think about it?

hayhoe: The answer to the question of whether we need individual action or system-wide change is yes! Systems change when individuals use their voice.

Sengupta: Speaking of individual action, I sometimes hear climate advocates brag about personal choices they make, like buying an electric car and not paying high gas prices. What do you make of this?

hayhoe: It has almost become a religion with its own green Ten Commandments. If I do this, this and that, I am a good person. But this and that does not apply to everyone. Focusing on personal action as the primary pathway to climate solutions is increasing rather than reducing the inequality of lifestyles exacerbated by climate change.

The system must change so that the easiest, most affordable option is the sustainable one. When public transport and electric cars are cheaper than internal combustion engine cars. Plant-based meals. Insulated houses. Clean blue sky. Walkable cities. We want all of this to be the default, not just if you can afford it.

Sengupta: do you eat meat

Hayhoe: Carefully. We only eat locally grown meat that is more expensive and harder to find. That’s why we eat less.

Sengupta: What do you say to the question “What can I do”?

Hayhoe: Do something. Anything. talk about it. Making an interview. Start a conversation by saying “Hey, I tried this”. Or “Hey this school did that. Maybe we should too.”

Do something and talk about it.

There is little functional difference between inmates who reject climate change and decide we can’t fix it.

Sengupta: Do you have moments of doubt about all this?

Hayhoe: I don’t see how you can look at a wide variety of human reactions and not have those moments. We are the greatest uncertainty. It’s up to us to save ourselves.

From June 30 to July 2, you can be with us for three days of science, culture, politics and discussion. Understand what measures have been taken in Glasgow since COP26 and what needs to be done urgently. Sign up here to join online, in real time or on demand.

A very important moment: Supreme Court on Friday issued an abolitionist decision. The constitutional right to abortion after almost 50 years. Next week, the court is expected to rule on a case that could limit the government’s ability to tackle climate change. This is a product multi-year republic strategy.

More extremes: Scientists are beginning to understand why heat waves hit people in the Americas, Asia and Europe at the same time. there is little doubt climate change is to blame.

A two-way weather emergency: China was shot worst flooding in decades in the south and record high heatwaves in the north. Dozens were killed heavy rains in bangladesh.

A holiday for fossil fuels: President Biden is urging Congress to suspend the federal gas tax for three months. But experts warn that the policy may not be appropriate. really benefits consumers.

A new form of energy: A fusion energy startup said it’s only a year away from proving that its system can generate more electricity than it consumes. Some experts are skeptical.

Unstable market: The International Energy Agency said fossil fuel prices could remain high for years. Existing investments in renewable energy, not enough to pass.

A difficult balance: The White House is debating whether and where to allow new offshore drilling. A ban could trigger the accusations made by Biden energy crisis worse.

Undo rollback: The Biden administration reverted to a broader definition of “habitat” for existing endangered species. before Trump presidency will save more places.

Last month, when a man posing as an old woman brushed the Mona Lisa with cream cake, she had a message: “Think of the world.” It seems the art industry is increasingly doing this. Reducing the emissions of the art world is ultimately about moving fewer works and people. This means longer exhibitions with more local artifacts. The industry needs Luise Faurschou, a nonprofit working at the intersection of art and sustainability.a completely ‘new normal’.’”

Thank you for reading. We’ll be back on Tuesday.

Manuela Andreoni and Claire O’Neill contributed to Climate Forward.

Contact us climateforward@nytimes.com. We read every message and reply to many!


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