After hours of sweltering heat, the sky turns coal gray. Suddenly it feels like thunderstorms and heavy rain are coming. An alert appears on your phone or in the news line at the bottom of your television screen: A flash flood watch or warning has been issued for your area.
But what exactly does this mean? And what should you do to avoid being caught in the rapidly rising waters that the National Weather Service says on average is responsible? 88 deaths each year in the United States?
Flash flooding gets its name from flash flooding after heavy rainfall, which the Weather Service says is the most common cause. Flooding begins within six hours, and usually within three hours after a heavy rain, but can sometimes occur within minutes, giving people little time to take action.
According to forecasters, who explain that flash floods can also be caused by mudslides or breaks in dams or levees, flooding occurs in areas where the ground cannot absorb all the water.
Urban areas are particularly vulnerable to flash flooding as they have many paved surfaces. For proof of this, look no further than social media, where commuters share their videos. flooded metro stations and roads.
Flash flood warning means flash flood is imminent or already occurring. Definitions used by the Weather Service. A flash flood monitoring indicates that conditions are favorable for flooding and this is a possibility.
Flash flooding is different from flooding, for example extraordinary flood It is blamed for the deaths of more than 180 people in Germany and Belgium.
Weather Service defines a flood as the flooding of a normally dry area by water rising from a river or stream. A flood can last for days or weeks, which is much longer than a flash flood.
But disaster preparedness experts stressed that flash flooding can still be dangerous, in part because appearances can be deceiving.
“Six inches of fast, running water can knock you over, and two feet is enough to float an entire vehicle,” said Katie Wilkes, spokesperson for the American Red Cross. “I think one of the most important things to know is that flash floods are called flash floods for a reason.”
Red Cross recommends that people closely monitor the weather forecast for flash flood warnings, keep an emergency kit handy, and develop an evacuation plan. Organization, ascend to higher ground immediately and never attempt to cross the flood waters.
Ms. Wilkes said that the driver of a vehicle on a flooded road should get off and go to higher ground if it’s safe.
The Weather Service has created a public safety campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of flood waters. Turn Your Back, Don’t Drown. He warns that roadbeds can be submerged by flood waters, making it dangerous to attempt to cross.
According to the Weather Service, more people die each year in the United States from flash flooding than from tornadoes, tornadoes, or lightning.
Evaluating the dangers of floodwaters can be even more difficult at night, according to state and federal public safety agencies, which warn people to avoid camping or parking along creeks or other flood-prone areas.
Disaster preparedness experts said people who were ordered to evacuate should not attempt to return until authorities told them it was safe.
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