Will Crypto Play a Role in Funding Abortion Access?


“When it comes to privacy, once it’s out, it’s like it’s out,” Professor Meiklejohn said.

Director of Women on Waves, a nonprofit that funds doctors and abortion seekers, Dr. This was the case when Rebecca Gomperts tried to set up her own crypto wallet. It had exactly the same demands for due diligence as a regular bank account where you have to provide IDs and other information,” she said.

He could see how anonymous transactions could be appealing to abortion providers, whose work could soon turn them into legal targets. However, he said, “I haven’t found a cryptocurrency where you can do this.”

Legal experts are not convinced that cryptocurrencies will protect patients in most cases. Rachel Rebouché, interim dean of Temple University’s Beasley School of Law and author of an upcoming paper, “”, said the abortion bans “will cover everything, whether you pay with cash or crypto.”The New Abortion Battleground

“If abortion is illegal in your state – it doesn’t matter if you have a surgical abortion, a medicated abortion, self-administered abortion – it’s illegal if it’s illegal,” said Dean and professor Kimberly Mutcherson. law at Rutgers Law School, which focuses on reproductive rights. (22 states introduced in the first three months of this year More than 100 restrictions About abortion pills approved by the Food and Drug Administration, according to the Guttmacher Institute, the reproductive health research group that supports abortion rights.)

Yet organizations like Planned Parenthood are keeping an open mind about how they can raise and distribute funds.

The organization’s president and CEO, Alexis McGill Johnson, said Planned Parenthood was “exploring a few things” in the cryptocurrencies space but would not reveal details.

As a result, all options are on the table,” he said.


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