DETROIT (AP) – The US government has launched an official investigation into the incident. teslaAutopilot’s partially automated driving system says it has trouble detecting parked emergency vehicles.
NS National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced the action in a post on its website on Monday.
The agency said it has identified 11 accidents since 2018 in which Teslas crashed into vehicles with flashing lights, flares, a lighted arrow board or hazard warning cones on Autopilot or Traffic Aware Cruise Control.
The research covers Models Y, X, S and 3 from 2014 to 2021 model years.
Autopilot was frequently abused tesla Drivers caught driving drunk or even driving in the back seat while a car rolls over a California highway.
The agency has sent investigative teams to 31 accidents involving partially automated driver assistance systems since June 2016. Such systems can center a vehicle in its lane and keep it at a safe distance from vehicles ahead. 25 of these accidents were involved tesla Autopilot where 10 deaths were reported, according to data released by the agency.
tesla and other manufacturers warn that drivers who use the systems must be ready to intervene at any time. Teslas using the system crashed into a semi-pedestrian crossing in front of them, stopping emergency vehicles and a road barrier.
A message was left early on Monday asking for comment. tesladisbanded the media relations office.
In June NHTSA ordered all automakers to report any accident involving fully autonomous vehicles or partially automated driver assistance systems.
The measures show that the agency is starting to take a tougher stance on automated vehicle safety than in the past. He was reluctant to publish any regulation of the new technology for fear of hindering the adoption of potentially life-saving systems.
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