Exploring the nanoworld | MIT Technology Review


“One thing I never knew was his poor past. He basically came from a situation where his family had nothing,” Weinstock says. The daughter of immigrants in 1930s New York City, Dresselhaus went through one of the most difficult times in American history. To help her family survive, she landed her first job as a tutor to a special needs student at just eight years old. She also worked as a child laborer in a yard, zipping up she.

Weinstock was surprised to learn of Dresselhaus’s deep love of music.

“Music played a central role at every stage of his life,” he says. “Without music he wouldn’t be a scientist, or at least it would be a very different way.” From the age of four, Dresselhaus displayed an impeccable musical memory and won a scholarship to a music school with her brother, a violin prodigy. He would continue to make music the focus of his family and professional life, playing the violin at least two days a week until his death.

Weinstock hopes his book will inspire future generations. “If I had a book like this when I was growing up,” she says, “it would really help to see this example and say, ‘I want to do something like this too.’”

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