Israel launches investigation into NSO Group spyware abuse


“That’s true,” he said. “I believe it is very good for them to check it out as we know the truth and know that the list never existed and is not related to NSO.”

Reports largely focused on the successful hacking of 37 smartphones of business leaders, journalists and human rights activists. But they also pointed leaked list NSO Group has more than 50,000 phone numbers in countries that are reported to be customers. The company has repeatedly denied the news. At this point, both the source and meaning of the list remain unclear, but many phones on the list have been hacked. Technical analysis by Amnesty International Security Lab.

When asked if the government’s investigation process would continue, Hulio said he hoped it would continue.

“We want them to check everything and make sure the allegations are false,” he said.

international scandal

Despite outright denials, “Project Pegasus” has received international attention.

In the United States, Democratic members of Congress in your name For action against NSO.

“Private companies should not sell sophisticated cyberattack tools on the open market, and the United States should work with its allies to regulate this trade,” the lawmakers said. Companies that sell incredibly sensitive tools to dictatorships are the AQ Khans of the cyber world. They should be sanctioned and, if necessary, closed down.”


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