A Warmer Future Is Certain, According to UN Climate Report


Approved by 195 governments and based on more than 14,000 studies, the report is the most comprehensive summary of climate change physical science to date. It will be the focus when diplomats meet in November at a UN summit in Glasgow to discuss how to step up efforts to reduce emissions.

A growing number of world leaders, including President Biden, have endorsed the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but current policies in major polluting countries are still far from achieving that goal. The top 10 greenhouse gas emitters are China, the United States, the European Union, India, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran and Canada.

The new report leaves no doubt that humans are responsible for global warming and concludes that all the increase in global average temperatures since the 19th century has been driven by nations that use fossil fuels, clear forests and fill the atmosphere with greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. and methane, which traps heat.

Changes in climate to date have shown little parallel in human history, the report said. The last decade is likely to be the planet’s hottest in the last 125,000 years. The world’s glaciers are melting and retreating at an “unprecedented rate in at least the last 2,000 years.” Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have not been this high for at least 2 million years.

Over the last century, ocean levels have risen an average of 8 inches, and the rate of increase has doubled since 2006. Heat waves have gotten significantly warmer since 1950 and lasted longer in most parts of the world. Wildfire weather has deteriorated in large parts of the world. The frequency of extreme heat eruptions in the ocean, which can kill fish, seabirds and coral reefs, has doubled since the 1980s.

In recent years, scientists have been able to establish clear links between global warming and certain severe weather events. Many of the deadly new temperature extremes the world has seen – just like Record-breaking heatwave scorching the Pacific Northwest In June — “it would be extremely unlikely to happen without human influence on the climate system,” the report says. Greenhouse gas emissions noticeably worsen some droughts, showers and floods.


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