White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday President Biden sending a “clear message” Russia about ongoing ransomware attacks, but he is what does it say he is would do it to force the red line he is pulled for the president Putin last month.
“If the Russian government cannot or will not act against criminal actors residing in Russia, Russia“We will act,” said Ms. Psaki. “Of course I’m not in a position to discuss operations in terms of what we’re going to do.”
Mr. Biden It was criticized by Republicans and some media outlets. he is Inaction against cyberattacks targeting the United States in recent months.
The President had already given Mr. a verbal warning. Putin During the one-on-one summit in Geneva, however, he did not advance with more aggressive moves to target infrastructure used by hacking groups hiding inside. Russia.
Ms. Psaki said on Thursday. Biden “it’s a clear message,” he said her Russian counterpart during the summit.
“We continue to send this clear message in our agreements” he is continued.
There is also concern among officials that retaliation may force, as management considers options. Russia to escalate their own actions. Recent cyberattacks have highlighted how vulnerable American businesses and government agencies are to ransomware attacks.
Ms. Psaki insisted on Thursday because the attacks come from within Russia, it should be Mr Putin’s responsibility to deal with the threat. adding that the United States will act Russia not.
HE IS said Mr. Biden this message to Mr. Putin if they are meeting now.
“If you don’t take action to crack down on the criminal actors in your country – even if the government doesn’t know about it – we will. “We reserve that option and that remains our clear message.”
The pressure is mounting for Mr. Biden to take action after a series of warnings. On Thursday, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Biden to send a strong message Russia and others who tolerate cybercriminals.
“If the US doesn’t respond, there will be an open season on America’s digital infrastructure,” the editorial board wrote. Proportional retaliation risks escalation. But after the public drew a red line, Mr. Biden has no choice he is mister show Putin and other thugs around the world are saying that the words of the President of the United States are empty.”
The United States fell victim to two cyberattacks in less than a week.
Hackers gained access to a contractor for the Republican National Committee this week. RNC said the hackers had not accessed any of its data.
The attack is linked to a group RussiaIt is known as Cozy Bear, according to a report by Bloomberg. But, White House Authorities say they did not attribute the attack to any particular group.
A separate attack by the Russian-based REvil hacking group targeted at least 200 US companies over the Independence Day weekend.
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