California Record-breaking Hot Weekend Dangerous


“We believe California is experiencing the effects of a changing environment very clearly,” he said. “We’re seeing drought conditions that we haven’t seen before, and there’s a gradual effect, but really it all comes back to climate.”

Although linking a single heatwave to climate change requires extensive attribution analysis, scientists in Europe have found that the recent extreme heat on the West Coast would almost certainly not have happened without it. because the jump in temperatures was so erratic. And in general, it is an accepted fact that heat waves around the world are lasting longer and are becoming more frequent and more dangerous.

2018 National Climate AssessmentA major scientific report by 13 federal agencies noted that the number of hot days has increased and the frequency of heatwaves in the United States has jumped from the average. Two per year in the 1960s to six per year in the 2010s. Also, according to the report, the heatwave season had extended 45 days longer than it did in the 1960s.

It’s all part of an overall warming trend: The seven hottest years in the history of accurate record keeping worldwide it’s been seven years, and 19 of the 20 warmest years have occurred since 2000. Last year tied to 2016 as follows: hottest year on record, according to an analysis.

Mr Ferguson said his office was preparing for what he called an “asymmetric event”. This weekend, he said, could present competing challenges simultaneously with the state facing extreme heat, fire warnings, and the possibility of power outages occurring simultaneously.

In preparation for the heatwave, the Emergency Service Office said it was helping local authorities with statewide cooling centers To assist those who do not have access to air conditioning. It was also preemptively deploying firefighters and fire trucks in parts of the state at higher risk for wildfires and wildfires. A fire weather watch was made for Northern California on Thursday afternoon.

The Emergency Services Office also works closely with the California Independent Systems Operator, which operates the state’s power grid to ensure uninterrupted power throughout the weekend. Mr Ferguson said no shortages are expected over the weekend, in part because of the additional electricity capacity the government invested in last year, but that shortages are always a risk. He urged Californians to be alert to power surges and be prepared to minimize appliance use if necessary.

“We are competing with Mother Nature,” he said. “We’re throwing everything we have into this challenge to help keep the vulnerable safe.”


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