China scolded the USA and SpaceX for allegedly missing the space station,


Chinese It accuses the United States of violating its obligation under a 1967 agreement on the peaceful use of space after two “close encounters”. Space X satellites and a Chinese Space Station.

Chinese space officials filed a complaint with the UN earlier this month, saying that astronauts on the space station were forced to take measures to avoid collisions. Space X‘s Starlink Internet satellite is on two separate occasions this year.

Space X did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Complaint angered China’s social media Space X including calls to boycott the electric car company, founder Elon Musk, teslamaking large investments to expand its production capacity Chinese.

On Tuesday, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijan blasted the United States for close calls in space.

“The United States claims to be a strong proponent of the concept of ‘responsible behavior in space,’ but it ignored its Treaty obligations and posed a serious threat to the safety of astronauts,” he said. Zhao aforementioned. “This is a typical double standard.”

The State Department did not comment.

Mr. Zhao He also accused the US of violating the agreement. he “It is widely recognized as the cornerstone of international space law.”

he According to the agreement, it was stated that the United States is responsible for space activities “run by its own private companies” and is responsible for protecting the safety of astronauts operating in space.

“The exploration of space and its peaceful uses are the common goal of all humanity,” he said. Zhao aforementioned. “Guided by the vision of advancing the well-being of all, Chinese committed to the peaceful uses of space.”

“The United States must respect international order in space, based on international law, take swift action to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, and act responsibly to protect the safety of astronauts in orbit and the safe and stable operation of space facilities.” he aforementioned.

Earlier this year, US officials accused Chinese Similar breaches after the International Space Station nearly collided with space debris left over from China’s test of an anti-satellite missile.

Mr. Zhao he said “supposedly Chinese The threat of space debris “exaggerated and misrepresented by international audiences”Chinesenormal space activities to divert international attention.”

“This distorts concepts and lays the blame on the innocent” he aforementioned.


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