Antiparasite drug ivermectin does not reduce time needed to recover from COVID A large study published online on Sunday. HE The drug, which has been popular since the early pandemic as an alternative treatment, not effective against the virus.
The new trial, led by researchers at Duke University and Vanderbilt University, tested more than 1,500 people with Covid, about half taking the drug and others a placebo. The study has not yet been published in a scientific journal.
The executive director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, Dr. “Given these results, ivermectin does not seem to have a role outside of a clinical trial setting, especially given the other proven options available in hospitalization and death,” said Adrian Hernandez. who presided over the trial, he said in a statement Sunday night.
Laboratory experiments on cells in 2020 suggested that ivermectin could block the coronavirus. The results caused widespread excitement, as ivermectin is an inexpensive drug that has been used safely for decades against parasitic worm infections in humans.
Despite the lack of results from large randomized clinical trials, the drug has become wildly popular. When these studies were finally finished, they were disappointing. in March, researchers published a study Ivermectin was given to 679 people diagnosed with Kovid. The drug did not significantly reduce their risk of going to the hospital for Covid compared to those taking a placebo.
The new ivermectin study was part of a larger effort organized by the National Institutes of Health to identify available drugs that could help treat Covid. Known as Accelerator COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines-6 or ACTIV-6 In short, the program is also testing an antidepressant and an anti-asthma drug.
Dr. Hernandez and colleagues gave ivermectin to 877 volunteers diagnosed with Covid, while 774 were given a placebo. Researchers then observed how their cases progressed.
Those who took ivermectin did not improve significantly faster than those who took a placebo. Moreover, a similar proportion of both groups were hospitalized. During the trial, the death of one volunteer who took ivermectin was observed.
Almost half of the volunteers were vaccinated, the researchers said. Their shooting may have reduced the overall number of serious Covid cases, making it difficult to detect a benefit.
Despite the negative results, the researchers did not completely rule out the possibility that ivermectin could have a place in the treatment of Covid. Among the 90 people who were already suffering from severe Covid when they entered the trial, those who tried ivermectin did better than those on the placebo. But the small numbers made it impossible to draw any firm statistical conclusions about the benefit of ivermectin. The effect may be by chance.
To further investigate this result, the researchers will continue to test ivermectin at higher doses. A new group of volunteers will receive 50 percent of the drug in each dose for six days instead of three.
“Given the positive safety profile and continued public interest in ivermectin, the ACTIV-6 team will continue to investigate this high dose to determine if it will make a difference to consider for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19. An infectious disease specialist at Duke University, Dr. Susanna Naggie said in a statement.
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