Last month was the warmest June ever recorded in North America, confirming the suspicions of millions, researchers said Wednesday. some of the highest temperatures never happened on the continent.
Copernicus Climate Change ServiceAn agency sponsored by the European Union said June average surface temperatures in North America were about a quarter Fahrenheit (0.15 degrees Celsius) higher than the previous record holder, the June 2012 average.
Last month’s average temperature was 2 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the 1991-2020 average, providing further evidence that human-made emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are warming the planet.
The June heat was brutal across most of the United States and Canada. Only the Southern Plains and Southeast areas of the United States and Northern Canada east and west of Hudson Bay were slightly cooler than usual.
The most brutal conditions were experienced in the Western United States and Southwestern Canada. In the West the temperature extended and intensified severe drought with shriveled crops, threatened water resources and contributed to what shaping up to be a severe wildfire season.
The moon resulted in an infernal heatwave that crippled most of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.
An enormous “heat dome” of high-pressure air hovered over the area, temperatures had reached. three-digit In Portland, Ore., Seattle, and other cities, it’s 30 to 40 degrees above the monthly average. In a region until recently air conditioning was considered laterheat-related deaths increased.
The British Columbia town of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three consecutive days, ending with a reading of 121 degrees on June 29. The next day, most of the town was razed to the ground. with a forest fire, where two residents were killed.
High temperatures last month were not limited to North America, according to the Copernicus analysis. Europe experienced its second warmest June ever, and only June 2019 was warmer. Temperatures were above average in Northwest and Southern Africa, parts of the Middle East, China and most of Southeast Asia. High temperatures in Arctic Siberia contributed to the early start of the wildfire season there.
Globally, last month was the fourth warmest June ever. Only 2016, 2019 and 2020 were warmer.
Much of the United States will stay warmer-than-normal for the remainder of the summer, according to the latest analysis by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Overall, according to the analysis, 2021 is almost certain to be among the 10 warmest years ever recorded. But thanks to slightly cooler conditions earlier this year associated with colder-than-normal sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, 2021 is unlikely to make it into the top 5.
NOAA also produces monthly temperature analyzes that are usually published later than those done by Copernicus. The two institutions’ methods differ slightly – NOAA uses more observational data, Copernicus uses more modeling – but the findings are generally in close agreement.
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