REvil disappears after US threatens Vladimir Putin over Russia


REvilA Russia-based hacking group has been blamed for the last few major ransomware attacks and suddenly disappeared from the internet this week.

Websites and infrastructure operated by REvil It went offline with no explanation on Tuesday, sparking speculation as to whether the prolific ransomware group could willingly or unwillingly resign.

The White House has repeatedly REvil In the weeks before its disappearance, Russian President Vladimir Putin said as early as Friday that it was his responsibility to rein in the group.

“I made it clear to him that the United States expects them to take action when a ransomware operation comes from their territory, although not sponsored by the government, if we give them enough information to take action on who it is. Mr Biden told reporters after speaking to Mr Putin on the phone.

When asked whether the US would impose consequences on the Kremlin if Russia does not cooperate on this issue, Mr. Biden replied “yes”.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted on Wednesday that the Biden administration was aware REvil It disappeared from the web, but declined to comment further.

“We have nothing more for you REvil‘ current absence from the environment,’ Ms Psaki told reporters during a White House press briefing.

Russia’s state media reported early wednesday Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied knowing whether the group’s disappearance was linked to recent bilateral discussions.

Before going offline REvil offered “ransomware as a service” to other cybercriminals: REvil provided the ransomware to affiliates in exchange for receiving a percentage of the money paid by the victims.

REvil Sites that went offline this week include pages the group uses to collect payments from victims and share data stolen from victims who are hesitant or reluctant to face ransom demands.

sudden disappearance REvil could potentially be the result of action by the United States, Russia, or any other government. As an alternaive, REvil he could have dissolved himself to avoid attracting more attention.

In any event, REvil Since the ransomware first surfaced in 2019, it has been proven by JBS USA and its successful attacks against Kaseya and others.

JBS USA, one of the nation’s largest meat suppliers, said last month that it paid a ransom of roughly $11 million to the cybercriminal, which briefly shut down its operations in May. REvil ransomware.

Days before his blog disappeared, REvil He posted online data he claims to have obtained from victims, including a South Carolina law firm and a Florida-based contractor. US federal government and military.

“If REvil its permanent disruption will mark the end of a group responsible for more than 360 attacks against the US public and private sectors this year alone,” Emsisoft threat analyst Bret Callow I said from Twitter.

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