Sirens: Loud, Ineffective and Risky, Experts Say


The same risks identified in studies of ambulance responses apply to police and fire responses in general, but referral criteria and cultures in these public safety disciplines can vary widely, experts said.

In the case of ambulances, some medical services are trying to meet response times based on studies from the 1970s when devices such as automatic defibrillators were not widely available in public settings. Experts said some municipal contracts require private ambulance services to meet old response times, which encourages the use of lights and sirens.

Dr. In rural areas, it seems counterintuitive that ambulance and fire services should rely on lights and sirens to get through traffic, but these create an attraction that can help recruit volunteers, Clawson said. “Running hot,” he said, is a burst of adrenaline and makes reactions more exciting.

“It feels good and it feels like it’s working,” he said. “Once you’ve settled in an agency – and a fire department is the best you can get – it can be hard to change.”

Wayne M. Zygowicz, now facility chief for South Metro Fire Rescue in Centennial, Colo. Wrote in the Journal of Emergency Health Services How easily an emergency vehicle can be seen and heard in 2016 is among the most important features of its lights and sirens, depending on its colour, size and markings.

“Our hearing is one of our keenest and primary senses,” he wrote. “Try shouting or whistling loudly in a crowded place and you will see how effective you are at getting people’s attention.”

Still, sirens have to compete with the improved insulation and sound systems of modern cars.

In an experiment conducted on a closed road by the former Monmouth Ocean Hospital Service Corporation in New Jersey, an ambulance’s siren starting 1500 feet away from an idling car was set to “cry” mode. With the window open, the driver heard the siren, experiment showed.


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