Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson I felt “crazy” for saying that her electronic communication blocked US National Security AgencyThe conservative commentator agreed on Wednesday.
The host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” explained during an interview: He He was initially reluctant to make public the accusations that he was secret federal spy agency had watched her private messages, before ultimately deciding to do so.
“I felt kind of crazy,” said Mr. Carlson He told Fox News graduate Glenn Beck.
“You don’t want to be on TV – I mean, would you like to go on the air and [say]’Are they spying on me?’ No, you sound crazy, but I didn’t feel like I had a choice,” said Mr. Carlson He said it on The Blaze.
Mr. Carlson He said at the beginning of July He I learned this from a friend her private messages are being watched NSA, a US government agency mainly collects foreign intelligence communications.
NSA initially responded by issuing a rare statement in which Mr. Carlson “never been the target of intelligence” Agencybut neither confirmed nor denied her communications were monitored.
Mr. Carlson He later said that the communication in question included plans. He potentially interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin, so NSA may have legally captured the messages sent and received from abroad.
However, Mr. Carlson argues NSA must be hidden or “masked”. her identity and never allowed details in any communications he collected. He will be leaked He fees now.
“People in the building found out who I was, and then my name and the contents of my emails left that building. NSA and it ended with a news organization in Washington.” Carlson said last month.
NS NSAthe chief investigator announced on Tuesday her office has launched an investigation into the latest allegations. NSA Inappropriately targeted the communications of a member of the US news media.”
Featured in The Blaze, a conservative news outlet that Mr. Beck founded after leaving Fox News, Mr. Carlson said her source said He NS NSA had seized her text and emails and planned to leak them.
“This person told me: NSA “He was reading my e-mails, messages and emails, and he had unmasked me and would spread it to news outlets to suggest that I was somehow a disloyal American.” Carlson aforementioned. “It actually scared me.”
Mr. Carlson aforementioned He later spoke to an unnamed US senator. He stand out with her Story.
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