You s. Marco Rubio and Dianne Feinstein may not agree on much, but they’ve come together for an additional part-time call to America’s newest military power.
Lawmakers introduced a bill Wednesday that would create a Space National Guard that would enter the Space Force command structure. It would shift all Air National Guard members currently performing Space Force missions to the new unit.
“Establishing the Space National Guard will increase our military readiness and increase efficiency. It will also ensure that the Space Force retains the capability it needs,” Florida Republican Mr. Rubio said in a statement.
Senators said the Air Force, Space Force and National Guard Bureau are developing a program to establish a National Space Guard within current budget and personnel constraints, but the plan has yet to be implemented.
“Creating the Space Force National Guard will also save money and provide a smoother process when we need to mobilize personnel,” said California Democrat Ms. Feinstein. “It was a mistake not to establish a National Space Guard when the Space Force was formed, and this bill will fix that.”
You s. He co-sponsors nearly a dozen Democrats and Republicans on the bill, including Michael Bennet, Colorado Democrat, and John Cornyn, Texas Republican.
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