[ad_1] Cybersecurity experts struggled Tuesday to answer lawmakers’ fundamental questions about the danger of a flaw in open-source logging platform Apache Log4J that could plague computer networking advocates for years.Read More
Tag: Experts
UN experts: North Korea is trying to produce materials for nuclear weapons
[ad_1] UNITED NATIONS – North Korea Continuing to develop nuclear and ballistic missile programs, including the ability to manufacture nuclear device components in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, UNRead More
As Storms Intensify, TV Weather Expert’s Job Gets More Serious
[ad_1] After the remnants of Hurricane Ida were dumped historical precipitation levels Last year in the Northeast, ABC News chief meteorologist Ginger Zee stood in front of a collapsing bridgeRead More
As Storms Intensify, TV Weather Expert’s Job Gets More Serious
[ad_1] After the remnants of Hurricane Ida were dumped historical precipitation levels Last year in the Northeast, ABC News chief meteorologist Ginger Zee stood in front of a collapsing bridgeRead More
Cybersecurity experts warn Ukraine crisis could spur Russian cyberattacks
[ad_1] cyber security firm mandiant warns Russiathe conflict is over Ukraine can cause attacks that harm the whole world in cyberspace. John Hultquist, mandiant‘s vice president of intelligence analysis saidRead More
Cyber vulnerabilities crush security experts
[ad_1] Understanding the ongoing cyberattacks and the bad guys responsible is challenging for professionals in both government and business. This FBI told victims that it may not be able toRead More
Dozens of Earthquakes Hit Oregon Coast, but Experts Say Not to Do
[ad_1] Just after midnight on Tuesday, a 4.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Oregon coast. It wasn’t groundbreaking because earthquakes always happen on the high seas. An hour and a halfRead More
Security experts offer tips to avoid online holiday scams
[ad_1] Cybersecurity experts say the holidays often bring sales, parties, and unfortunately scammers who want to play the Grinch with other people’s gifts and money. Cybercriminals “have developed a numberRead More
Sirens: Loud, Ineffective and Risky, Experts Say
[ad_1] The same risks identified in studies of ambulance responses apply to police and fire responses in general, but referral criteria and cultures in these public safety disciplines can varyRead More
Cyber Security Experts Sound Alert In Apple And EU Phone Scan
[ad_1] More than a dozen leading cybersecurity experts on Thursday criticized Apple and the European Union’s plans to monitor people’s phones for illegal material, calling the efforts ineffective and dangerousRead More