geeky stuff style

geeky stuff style

Woman Holding Her Eyeglasses
think nerdy feel extremly

Additionally, share your geeky feeling with customers through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Customers appreciate positive responses from you if they know their support is from a genuine fan who loves what you’re selling and is happy to talk to you about it. You don’t need to be a prolific tweeter, but do try to pick a few topics of interest. Share things like your product links or helpful product info as well as quotes you have posted on Twitter.
Remember, when you get into a conversation with a customer on your Facebook or Twitter account, consider the longer-term relationships. This is not the time to worry about bragging rights (especially in the case of customers who have given you feedback you’d appreciate!). Instead, share that you value your customer

You want to sell to an intended audience of people that are comfortable using your products and services. For example, you may want to target it to men, women, and students. For women, it’s important to know whether they want to buy a book or a practice rug. Women typically want books and they tend to want soothing reading materials. They also like to see cute, pretty designs so they will also appreciate the drawings, patterns, and photos.


If you can find out what you’re selling to, you can market to your intended customer demographic to find out what You can also learn how to design for a specific demographic. You may need to research your target audience using demographics data, like what family types like to read and whether people have ever broken a bone while playing a video game. You can also use surveys to learn more about your audiences.

You can build upon existing audiences with lists, surveys, analytics, and surveys. These surveys can determine demographics of your audience that may be used to continue finding audiences.

Analytics are a great way to create analytics of demographics that are of interest to you. These analytics will allow you to better personalize content to your customers.

Some of the analytics that you can use for finding viewers are opt-in forms, websites open rates, etc.

Then we have the audience segments we can use as follows:

1. Current Engagement Data

Estimated fans in the audience — This is a quick way to calculate the current engagement of your audience.

Current posts and tags in the audience — This is a great way to gauge

the engagement of your blog or your own website. The goal here is to quickly determine your optimal audience.

Current Subscribers — This is the basic research that you should have on each of your website visitors, then you can use this data to select the optimal audience.

Combined Engagement Data

Now that we have ….

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