Biden Reacts to Ransomware Attacks


William Evanina, who recently left a senior counterintelligence role in the US government and now advises companies, said he would advise Mr Biden to “be bold”.

“While I know people in government love the idea of ​​having ‘invisible’ cyber operations, we need to show the American people and the private sector that we are doing something about it.”

Putin denied that most of the attacks came from Russia and argued that the United States, with its worldwide cyber operations, is the most active destructive force on the internet.

But clearly a large number of ransomware requests come from Russia, and the ransomware code is often written to avoid hitting Russian-speaking targets.

According to experts, if Moscow wanted to stop Russia’s cybercriminals from hacking into American targets, it would have. For this reason, some Russian experts argue that the US should target Russia’s kleptocracy, either by leaking Putin’s financial information or freezing the oligarchs’ bank accounts.

“The only language Putin understands is power, and his power is money,” said Garry Kasparov, Russian chess grandmaster and Putin critic. “This is not about tanks; regarding banks. The US should delete the accounts of the oligarchs one by one until the message is delivered.”

REvil has shown no signs of reducing operations for now.

In recent days, cybercriminals continued to hijack the networks of American companies. On Wednesday, REvil hit a new target: HX5, Florida defense contractor that sells space and weapons launch technology to the Army, Navy, Air Force and NASA.

REvil published hacked documents on the naming and shaming website “The Happy Blog.” None of them seemed vital, but the HX5 is the latest to be hit.


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