Can Marijuana Make You A Better Athlete?


In a study done in 2019 Published in PLOS One magazineOf the 1,161 athletes, mostly runners, cyclists, and triathletes, 26 percent reported that they were current marijuana users. Some would smoke it, some would consume it as food, and some would apply it to their bodies as a cream. About 70 percent of athletes said it helped them sleep or relieved pain from strenuous exercise and other activities. Nearly 60 percent said it calmed them down.

In another 2019 pollAngela Bryan, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder, and her colleagues recruited nearly 600 regular cannabis users and questioned them about their drug use. Dr. Bryan suspected that marijuana would make people less physically active. But surprisingly, nearly half of the people in the study said that marijuana motivated them to exercise. More than 80 percent of marijuana users said they used it regularly during their workouts. Seventy percent said cannabis increased their enjoyment of exercise, and roughly 80 percent said it helped them recover.

Dr. “It was a pretty strong association, and it was pretty common to use cannabis before or after exercise,” Bryan said. Studies show cannabis may help some people fall asleep faster and modest but limited evidence It is from clinical studies that it reduces pain and inflammation. “It’s probably not surprising that people use it in this context,” he added.

For the most part, research on cannabis and its effects on exercise has been somewhat limited due to its List 1 drug status.

Dr. “Federal legal status means we can’t have it on campus, prescribe it, or even tell people what to use it,” Bryan said. “We’re not allowed to give them anything.”

This is Dr. It limited Bryan’s ability to more closely examine how marijuana affects exercise, metabolic health, and inflammation, because he can’t bring people into his lab, give them anything edible, and experiment on them.

But he and his colleagues have found a way to circumvent this. Using a mobile lab, they go to the homes of people who use cannabis regularly, take blood samples from the subjects and do tests on them before and after they use drugs. “They tell us what they’re using, and then we measure the THC and CBD in their blood for an objective level,” he said.


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