In The High-Risk Race To Test Covid Tests


The researchers also evaluated the ease of use of each product. “You want to make sure nothing requires too much force, make sure it’s easy to grasp and grip,” said Sarah Farmer, general manager of Georgia Tech HomeLab. “Let’s make it easier if possible, and reduce the steps if possible.”

Maxim Biomedical, a Maryland-based company that does rapid antigen testing, added a test tube stand after researchers noticed users were unable to place the liquid-filled, round-bottom tube on the table. “Their data played a huge role in the development and optimization of the test,” said Jonathan Maa, the company’s chief operating officer. (The company hopes to use what it learns to design other consumer-friendly tests, he said.)

To identify tests that could scale quickly, the researchers also rated the “technology readiness” of each test. Otherwise, some promising breath-based devices performed poorly on this measure. Dr. “When we looked at them, they weren’t mature enough to really be successful,” Martin said.

They also disassembled each test to investigate potential production issues. Some products looked gaudy with pieces glued together, while others were too complex to be produced by the millions. Dr. “Basically, we’ve seen tests trying to shrink the entire lab in a very small form factor,” Brand said. “In terms of engineering, it’s incredible.” However, he added, “you can’t do that at scale.”

Companies often adjusted their products based on the scientists’ reports. Dr. Tromberg said the Atlanta team often “give companies substantial feedback that allows them to change their platforms and be truly successful.”

In late 2020, several tests that survived the Atlanta glove were approved by the FDA. at-home, over-the-counter Covid testingMade by the Australian company Ellume.

“We thought we were done,” said Dr. Slide. Then the Alpha variant took off: “We had to reboot.”


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