Post Vaccine Heart Problems Are Uncommon and Short-lived in the US,


For every million Americans vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine, about 60 will develop temporary heart problems. to work It was published Wednesday in the journal JAMA.

The researchers found that the complications were all short-lived. And outside experts have noted that these heart problems are much more common in patients who develop Covid-19.

The new study, which analyzed the medical records of more than 2 million people who had received at least one dose of coronavirus vaccine by May 2021, found 20 cases of myocarditis or myocarditis and 37 cases of pericarditis. membrane surrounding the heart.

The hospitalized patients were discharged after just a few days, and none of them died.

The incidence of myocarditis in the study was higher than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate, at 10 cases per million vaccinated. 4.8 cases per millionsuggesting that there may be more cases than reported to the federal database for tracking supposed adverse events following vaccinations.

Dr., an emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, who was not involved in the study. “We find that these adverse events lead to very short and unremarkable hospital stays,” said Jeremy Faust. The same cannot be said for those hospitalized due to Covid-19 in this or any age group so far,” he said.

Comparing rates of myocarditis following vaccination with rates among Covid-19 patients, Dr. “When people are hospitalized for Covid, the consequences are much more severe,” added Faust.

With the Providence healthcare system, researchers evaluated medical records from 40 hospitals in Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Los Angeles County, California.

They found that myocarditis developed after vaccination, mostly after the second dose, and in subjects with a median age of 36 years, a median of 3.5 days. Three-quarters of the 20 cases were in men.

19 patients who were hospitalized were discharged after an average of two days. About three weeks after vaccination, 13 patients were symptom-free and the remaining seven were recovering.

Pericarditis affected elderly patients, at a median age of 59 years and then about 20 days after vaccination, the researchers said. Pericarditis was also more common in men. Of the 37 detected cases, 13 were hospitalized; The median length of stay was one day.

A separate study, published online last week, suggested that the incidence of myocarditis in boys aged 12-17 with Covid-19 was 876 per million; The incidence in girls in the same age group as Covid-19 was 213 cases per million.

The study has not yet undergone peer-reviewed or published in a scientific journal.


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