Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan By Expanding Safety Net


“You spend money like drunken sailors,” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the top Republican on the Budget Committee. I think you are driving the collapse of America as we know it. You are activating a government that no one’s grandchild can afford to pay.”

The proposed amendments, many of which were rejected along the party line, were non-binding and were intended more as a political case against the most vulnerable Democratic senators to be re-elected in 2022. Some Republicans said the bulk of their proposals would await the completion of subsequent legislation, when the changes could actually be passed.

“The next ballot-a-search is the one that really matters, because then you’re shooting with live ammo,” said Pennsylvania Republican Senator Patrick J. Toomey. “So I’m more interested in that than that.”

Hours of tension began with a vote with Wyoming Republican Senator John Barrasso to ban funding or regulations to establish the Green New Deal, declaring that any such provision would “degrade the quality of life of the American people—for millions and millions of Americans.” will suffer.”

“I have no problem voting for this amendment because it has nothing to do with the Green New Deal,” Mr. Sanders replied. The amendment was passed unanimously, and the bill’s Democratic sponsors dismissed it as “a tired and unsuccessful Republican attempt to throw speed bumps on the road to climate action.”

Democrats have sought to stay on key steps to fend off many of the Republican proposals, including a provision by Iowa Republican Senator Charles E. Grassley that would prevent changes to the cap on how much taxpayers can deduct on state and local taxes. Democrats from high-tax states, particularly New York, New Jersey, and California, have made raising or removing the cap a priority, and a partial repeal is under discussion for inclusion in final legislation.


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